Media Center
Welcome to our Media Center's Webpage!
This year our AR Readers are going to take a...

for our School-Wide Reading Incentive as we are on
a #learningjourney at #thegreatestschoolonearth!
I look forward to seeing our Tigers in the Media Center at The Reading Carnival this year! I have created an inviting and motivating space! I know you will love to come spend time in the Media Center while reading, researching, and participating in 21st century media lessons here at PES.
MAKERSPACE will continue this year at PES in the Media Center. Students will have the opportunity to visit and participate in various STEM challenges. These challenges will rotate and change biweekly so that students have a variety of engaging, hands-on activities.
School-wide Reading Incentive Program:

*Click here to access our school library catalog Destiny.
Note: This link will let you know the books that our school owns and has on the book shelves.
*Click to access the AR Book Guide .
Note: This link will help you determine if a book that your child is reading has an AR quiz.
*Click here to access Renaissance to take an AR test.
*Click here to see the Lexile level of a book your child is reading Lexile Levels .

This year's AR program our students will prove "Reading is Your Ticket to Success"! Each student has an individualized AR reading goal they are shooting to meet with an 80% accuracy rate. Students who meet their AR goal each nine weeks will attend the AR party at the end of the nine weeks. The chart below explains the expectations for each grade level. Ask your student or your student's teacher how many points your student is expected to earn each nine weeks.
Students who met or exceed their personal AR goal for the current nine weeks with an 80% accuracy or better will attend the AR party. The due date for meeting their goal is listed below as well as the party they will attend.
Nine Week | Due Date | Celebration |
1st Nine Week | 10/4/24 | Carnival Games |
2nd Nine Week | 12/13/24 | Popcorn & Movie |
3rd Nine Week | 3/7/25 | Board Game Party |
4th Nine Week | 5/9/25 | Snow Cones & Outdoor Fun |
Program Details Per Grade Level:
Kindergarten | 1st 9 Weeks: Completed reading logs for the month of August, September, & part of October with parent signature. 2nd 9 Weeks: Completed reading logs for the month of part of October, November, and December with parent signature. 3rd 9 Weeks: Students must meet their POINT GOAL with 80% average to earn the 9-weeks A.R. reward. 4th 9 Weeks: Students must meet their POINT GOAL with 80% average to earn the 9-weeks A.R. reward. |
1st Grade | Lexile Levels are used to create 9 week reading goals, with 20 mins of reading nightly Students must meet their POINT GOAL with 80% average to earn the 9-weeks A.R. party |
2nd Grade | Lexile Levels are used to create 9 week reading goals, with 20 mins of reading nightly Students must meet their POINT GOAL with 80% average to earn the 9-weeks A.R. party. |
3rd Grade | Lexile Levels are used to create 9 week reading goals, with 20 mins of reading nightly Students must meet their POINT GOAL with 80% average to earn the 9-weeks A.R. party. |
4th Grade | Lexile Levels are used to create 9 week reading goals, with 20 mins of reading nightly Students must meet their POINT GOAL with 80% average to earn the 9-weeks A.R. party. |
5th Grade | Lexile Levels are used to create 9 week reading goals, with 20 mins of reading nightly Students must meet their POINT GOAL with 80% average to earn the 9-weeks A.R. party. |
Important AR Information
100 Point Club
Students will be striving to earn 100+ AR points this school year. On the last school day of the month, Mrs. Lopez will check to see which students have reached the following points listed below. As students reach the point goals, students will earn the prize listed as well as a shout out on the morning announcements and social media.
10 points: Bookmark
20 points: Blow Pop
30 points: Carnival Tattoo
40 points: Pencil
50 points: Clown Nose
60 points: Popcorn
70 points: Carnival Sticker
80 points: Carnival Keychain
90 points: Animal Crackers
100 points: Clown Bow Tie and 100+ AR Party (End of the Year)
AR Reminders:
1) Students work towards reaching their individual reading goal each 9-weeks grading period. Students meeting their 9-week AR goal will receive a reward. Each 9 weeks your student's AR point goal will change depending on their STAR Lexile score. Please see your student's teacher to find out your child's individual reading AR point goal.
2) Students can read books at home and at school.
3) Students in grades 1st - 5th must take Accelerated Reader quizzes for books that are on their Lexile level. Students must meet their Individualized Point Goal (according to their personal Lexile reading score, as determined through STAR Reading testing). Students must also end the 9-week grading period with 80% or higher average, in order to meet their reading goal. Students in Kindergarten work towards completing a family READING LOG the first and second 9 weeks and a minimum of 8 passed AR quizzes with an 80% accuracy the third and fourth 9 weeks.
Monitor Your Child's AR Progress from HOME
Log in using your student's username and password information from school.
View student progress in the AR program: points earned, bookshelf - books read, AR quiz scores, etc.
PES Media Center
Media Center Programs:
*School-wide Reading Incentive Program
*Story time for all grade levels.
*Lessons for students that support their classroom instruction in all grade levels.
*Makerspace activities to explore STEAM learning in all grade levels.
*Bedford Falls Book Fairs (fall and spring)
*Assist students in 21st Century Classroom
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
*Note: Students in grades 3rd-5th may visit the library during Bus Room from 7:00-7:25 after checking in with the teacher on duty.
Library Book Check-Out Policy:
Kindergarten and 1st Grade can check-out 1 book for 1 week.
2nd and 3rd Graders can check-out up to 2 books for up to 2 weeks.
4th and 5th Graders can check-out up to 3 books for up to 2 weeks.
Note: Books can be renewed up to 2 times, unless a "waiting list" has been created.
Lost/Damaged Book Policy:
If a book becomes lost or damaged, the book must be found or paid for before checking out another book. Another option is to replace the book by donating the same book in a hardback cover, or a similar hardback cover book (same genre) to our media center. If you pay for a lost book and then find it, please bring it in to us and we will refund your money. We can only refund your money if the book is found during the same school year the book was paid for.
Bedford Falls Book Fairs:
At Providence Elementary, we host (2) Book Fairs each year. All money profit helps to purchase more books for our library, and supports the reading program for our school.
Fall: August 30th - September 6th
Spring: March 21st - March 28th
Media Center Mission Statement
It is the mission of our school library to collaborate with students and teachers to provide access to a variety of electronic and print informational resources and materials; to enhance literary skills through 21st century learning; and to promote independent, life-long learners while developing the love of reading.